Sunday, November 28, 2010


I read a blog on Thanksgiving from To Write Love on Her Arms:
I really enjoyed it and would suggest that you read it. One of the points it made that I loved was that we all deserve the space to be human. Most of the time I want to see completely put together. I want everyone to believe that all is right with my world. Things could be so much worse and I have so much that I feel my problems are insignificant and should not be brought up. but since I am human this means I will NOT have it all together. there will be days when everything falls apart and it's alright to be real and honest on those days. it's ok to show people the broken pieces in my life. All of the broken, messed up pieces make up a beautiful story. Without them, I would not be complete. So if we are all human that must mean that others are going through rough times too, times when they may seem to have it all together on the outside but on the inside it's all crumbling down. We need to be sensitive and compassionate to the needs of others. I am so bad about getting caught up in my own worries and fears and issues that I sometimes forget to care about what's going on in other people's lives. This is something I am praying will change. I'm tired of being selfish and believing that I am the only one who suffers. There are people all around me everyday - friends, family, strangers - that are experiencing dark times and I have the light of the world living inside me that I need to show them. So instead of sitting around having a pity party, building up walls and trying to be strong, I am ready to be honest about where I am, to be thankful for where I've been realizing that it was all a part of God's purpose, to break down the walls that I have been building up for far to long, and to try to climb over the walls other people are building, to show the compassion and care that Jesus did. I know it will be a long process but you've got to start somewhere so why not here.

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