Monday, January 24, 2011

"this one's for YOU."

"this is for you." - that's what I felt like God was saying to me tonight.

I didn't feel good earlier today and kind of debated about whether or not to go to campus ministry tonight. I ended up going and I am so glad I did. I got to see friends which was wonderful but the message was just for me. A student spoke tonight. Someone not much older than I am. He said that God will either tell you to Go or to Wait. He used the biblical example of Abram. 
The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you. - Genesis 12:1
Abram was told by God to Go. He didn't know where or for how long or what He would be doing. The Bible doesn't say that Abram heard from God then prayed about it for a few months. He dropped everything a left. Going in the direction God led. His obedience seems crazy to me. I don't understand how he just went but I admire it and want it in my own life. When God tells me to go I want to do exactly that. I don't want to be bound by fear or a five year plan or my own dreams or dreams other people may have for me. I would have been fine with just hearing this Go message because that's where my heart has been lately. I want to fulfill the Great Commission. I want to go to the ends of the Earth. But this wasn't the end of the message...

He also shared the story of Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12. Jeroboam had a great opportunity ahead of him but he had to Wait. During his waiting period God used him and shaped him into who he would need to be to become ruler. I don't like waiting. It often feels like waiting is wasting time. Why wait when I need to go? But maybe God needs me to stay for a while. 

The speaker went on to share a personal story of a time when he could have gone but waited and God blessed him. His story was so similar to what I am facing this summer. I have lots of opportunities to Go but I also may have an opportunity to stay and Wait. I don't know what will happen or how God will choose to use me but I pray that I am joyfully obedient to whatever He commands. 

Campus ministry was enough for my heart tonight. I was filled. But then I got a text from a friend who just sends encouragement a few times a week. I always love what she says but tonight was extra special to my heart. this is what she sent...
God always gives us what we need when we really need it. In this case it was a solid friendship from the Lord to King David when he needed one most. 1 Samuel 18:1 - "Jonathan committed himself to David and loved him as much as he loved himself." God isn't just doing this in the Old Testament, He's able to do it in your life right now so be transparent with Him and He will always provide for you in your time of need.
I once again felt like God was saying, "Haley, my daughter, this one's for you."
It blows my mind that the Creator of the universe took the time tonight to speak through people directly to me. He didn't have to do that but He loves me and knew it was what I needed. I am so thankful for His voice tonight and for people who are willing to let God speak through them.  

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