Wednesday, June 15, 2011

forget me not.

I often feel forgettable and forgotten. I am not the most outgoing person and am often the quieter one in groups of people. So more often than not people forget who I am. Or sometimes I go awhile without hearing from or seeing friends (I realize it works both ways) and I feel forgotten. I struggle with this more than I want to admit. Moving around growing up didn't exactly help my feelings of being forgotten and forgettable. 

Today I was reading One Thousand Gifts and the author wrote about this Scripture:
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. - Luke 12:7
I kept reading and then did some other things but as I was walking through my neighborhood a few hours later the verse came back to mind and I began to dwell on. To let in really soak in. 

The God that created the whole universe, the God who made every man, woman, boy and girl that lives today, that lived years ago, and that will live in years to come, the God who made everything in all creation...that God knows my name, He knows my heart, and He cares so much about me that He has even taken the time to count every hair on my head. That is so amazing to me. It is even more amazing that He has done the same thing for every person that ever has and ever will live. 

God cares and does not forget about His beloved creation. 

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