Friday, July 15, 2011


You can make many plans,
but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.- Proverbs 19:21 NLT
this verse has been coming alive in my life so much this summer. 

about a month ago, I spent the week at Camp Siloam as a children's minister. 6 years ago I spent a week at Camp Siloam as a student. I remember sitting on the rec field with my friend as we talked about how we thought maybe God was calling us to be youth or children's ministers or calling us to be wives of youth/children's ministers. I'm not sure how much of that was "God's plan" or our own dreams. During the next 4 years my plans changed. I dreamed of going to cosmetology school. I searched the best schools in my area and got information from them but after praying about it I didn't have peace. So I ended up at UCA, where I am now, pursuing a career in teaching, which I am excited about! My current plan is to be a teacher for elementary children in 2 years when I graduate but I am beginning to wonder if God's plan is the same.

last summer I had the best job! i spent 4 weeks at church camp, worked 2 weeks of Vacation Bible School, and got to spend a week on a Mission Trip in Wichita, KS. I worked with some of the most amazing people I've ever met. I'm so thankful for last summer. a year ago, I planned to do the same thing this summer. along the way, things changed, but my plan was still to work at a camp; after all, it is the best thing about summer! But God's plans were much different. In my search for a summer job at camps and homeless missions far away from home, God sent First Baptist Wooster my way. The church is about fifteen minutes from my house. They were looking for a Children's minister for the summer and I was interested but honestly, I wanted to get away and be at one of the other summer job options. But Wooster is the door God opened and allowed me to enter. After a month and a half of ministry there, I can say I am thankful that the Lord's purpose prevails. 

about 3 years ago I sat with a family member as she asked about my plans for college. I told her where I was going and that I was majoring in Early Childhood Education. She told me that God had been preparing me to work with children since I was very young. She said she had always seen that in me and that she was so glad that I was doing what God created me to do. I do love children and I love Jesus and maybe what God created me to do can be done in both the classroom and the church. 

I don't know what life after this summer will look like. I'm not dropping out of college or changing my major. I'm just trying to open my heart to what God wants and closing it to my dreams because His are FAR greater!

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